Well, K and I took a little trip to visit our new, adorable, and absolutely studly nephew/cousin. We were gone for 5 days. Dad played Mr. mom and did a fabulous job (with a little help from Grandma Suzie on the weekend)! K got to do some fun things with her uncle Mark and Aunt Gina...while I lived in la la land loving on Weston. K made cupcakes from scratch with Gina, went to a very cool park, dyed Easter eggs, and got to go on her first creek walk with Mark. She enjoyed being the center of attention and got some much needed attention! Although the night before we left she was missing her sisters brothers and her daddy lots! This was my first time being away from Gator and I did quite well but missed them ALL so stinkin' much! Just to brag a little when we arrived home the house was clean, kids were freshly bathed AND I was informed that Lg no longer had pacifiers.....which I will admit I was kind of upset about....HE IS STILL A BABY!!! But we had a wonderful and stay and enjoyed meeting Weston and loving on him. This trip left Gina and I wondering how we could make it possible to live closer once again. We LOVE them!!!!
We had a very nice Easter at home where my parents came for the weekend. I took advantage of the girls still being small enough to dress alike. They may hate me for it some day but it made this momma's day! I dressed the boys the same too...aren't they all just cute as can be!
We had Lg's 2 year check up (a little late), E's Kindergarten check up, and Gator's 9 month check up all in one week....3 seperate appointments 3 seperate days. I now have my own parking spot at Children's Clinic. :) All the kids checked out fine and Emilee is officially registered for Kindergarten!
- The girls sang beautifully in church!
- 3 Easter egg hunts
- One birthday party
- Gator starts really crawling (AAhhh, we now have 5 mobile children)
- The kids receive fishing poles in their baskets (daddy's idea)
- 5 very excited children, 2 very exhausted parents....oh and grandparents! :)
We had Lg's 2 year check up (a little late), E's Kindergarten check up, and Gator's 9 month check up all in one week....3 seperate appointments 3 seperate days. I now have my own parking spot at Children's Clinic. :) All the kids checked out fine and Emilee is officially registered for Kindergarten!